1. Registration of details of companion animals travelling on passenger vessels. Learn more
  2. Additional measures during the transportation of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) with passenger ships. Learn more
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Fares Bari 2023

Fares in euro (€)


(Bari - Patras / Bari - Igoumenitsa / Bari - Corfu)
Passengers / Fares per person as of   11.01.2023 - 10.01.2024
Cabin Category Low season Shoulder season High season
Code Description One way Return One way Return One way Return
DECK Deck 57 40 66 46 89 62
ATS Aircraft-type seats 65 46 75 53 99 69
AB4 4-bed inside cabin 115 81 140 98 171 120
AB3 3-bed inside cabin 133 93 169 118 207 145
AB2 2-bed inside cabin 150 105 193 135 241 169
A4 4-bed outside cabin 127 89 158 111 196 137
AA3 3-bed outside cabin 148 104 189 132 238 167
AA2 2-bed outside cabin 177 124 217 152 276 193
Α2 2-bed outside cabin 177 124 217 152 276 193
LUX 2-bed outside cabin 220 154 269 188 336 235
(Bari - Patras / Bari - Igoumenitsa / Bari - Corfu)
Vehicles (fares/vehicle in €)
Vehicle Category Low season Shoulder season High season
  Description One way Return One way Return One way Return
1 Vehicles or trailers up to 6m long & 2m high 72 50 90 63 110 77
2 Cars with roof box over 2m high 93 65 118 83 141 99
3 Vehicles or trailers up to 6m long & over 2m high 114 80 155 109 190 133
4 Vehicles or trailers 6.01m to 8m long 171 120 215 151 253 177
5 Vehicles or trailers over 8.01m long 241 169 293 205 335 235
6 Trailers up to 2.50m long & 2m high* 60 42 75 53 89 62
7 Campers / Caravans / Trailers OPEN DECK up to 6m long 154 108 209 146 274 192
8 Campers / Caravans / Trailers OPEN DECK 6.01m to 8m long 232 162 296 207 365 256
9 Campers / Caravans / Trailers OPEN DECK over 8.01m long 328 230 404 283 487 341
10 Motorcycles** 30 21 38 27 45 32
11 Bicycles Free Free Free Free Free Free

Certain accommodation types may not available on vessels operating the route.

  • Children under the age of 4 who do not occupy a bed or ATS pay 5.50€ per way.
  • Round trip = one way + return
  • Occupancy of A4, AB4, A2 and AB2 cabins (only AB2 cabins with two lower beds) is available on a per bed basis.

(1) Breakfast is included.

* Same price applies for Open Deck trailers up to 2.50m long & 2m high
** Motorcycles with a side car or a trailer or 4 wheels are charged as vehicles up to 6m long & 2m high.

All cabins are equipped with shower and WC.

SINGLE OCCUPANCY CABIN Single occupancy is available in the cabin categories LUX, A2 and AB2 (AB2 not available for single use on SUPERFAST XI) and has 70% surcharge, during all seasons.



(Fares per pet in €)

Pet in cabin

Pet in kennel

50 / per route

20 / per route

  • Pet cabins are 4 bed inside & outside cabins, that can be booked as 4 bed, 3 bed, 2 bed.
  • Pet cabins are not available on a per bed basis.
  • Single occupancy has 50% surcharge during low season and 70% surcharge during shoulder & high seasons on the respective double occupancy fare.
  • Available only to clients traveling with one or two pets in the cabin.
  • Cabin reservations are required early because the number is limited.
  • Learn more about the Pet Travel Declaration Questionnaire
Pure Cabin  
(fares per cabin in €)  

Cabin surcharge


50 / per route  
  • PURE cabins are LUX, A4 or AB4.
  • Occupancy of these cabins is not available on a per bed basis.
  • Single occupancy of an inside or outside PURE cabin (AB4 or AA4) has a supplement of 100% on the respective double occupancy. Single occupancy of a LUX PURE cabin has 50% surcharge during low season and 70% surcharge during shoulder & high seasons on the respective double occupancy fare. PURE cabins are not available on a per bed basis.

The above prices do not include the fuel surcharge. Find out about the fuel surcharge here