1. Enregistrement des animaux de compagnie voyageant sur les ferries de passagers. Lire plus
  2. Mesures supplémentaires lors du transport de véhicules à carburant alternatif (AFV) à bord de navires à passagers. Lire plus
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Two awards for Attica Group in GREEK HOSPITALITY AWARDS 2020


Attica Group, parent company of SUPERFAST FERRIES, BLUE STAR FERRIES and HELLENIC SEAWAYS, is proud to announce its distinction with two awards, Golden and Silver, in the GREEK HOSPITALITY AWARDS 2020 organized by ETHOS MEDIA. 

At the official announcement of winners, which, due to the Covid-19 pandemic protocols, took place online on Tuesday, October 6th 2020, Attica Group was honored with the following awards: 

Gold Award 
in category “Best Digital Advertising and Performance Campaign” 

Silver Award 
in category “Best Greek Coastal Shipping Company” 

This year's double distinction is another recognition of the Group's strategic choice to invest in digital media to dynamically promote its services, and confirms Attica Group’s leading position in digital communication. At the same time, for yet another year, Attica Group was reckoned one of the top coastal shipping Groups, confirming its leading presence in Greece and in Europe. 

The Greek Hospitality Awards reward excellence in the Greek Hotels & Tourism industry, through a meritocratic process that involves the public, as well as an Evaluation Committee composed of prominent personalities. The participating companies stand out for their innovative practices, excellent organization and willingness to provide visitors with a top level tourism product based on international standards. 

Attica Group is engaged in passenger shipping through SUPERFAST FERRIES, BLUE STAR FERRIES, HELLENIC SEAWAYS and AFRICA MOROCCO LINK, operating 32 vessels providing modern, high quality transportation services in Greece and abroad. Attica’s vessels serve 60 unique destinations in 4 countries, connecting 71 ports and carrying over 7 million passengers, 1 million passenger vehicles and 400,000 trucks every year. 

Kallithea, November 11, 2020