1. Registrazione degli animali domestici che viaggiano sui traghetti passeggeri. Leggi di più
  2. Misure aggiuntive durante il trasporto di veicoli a carburante alternativo (AFV) su navi passeggeri. Leggi di più

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The Board of Directors of Attica Group wishes to announce the agreement to acquire from Grimaldi Holding S.p.A, of Genoa, Italy two Ro-Pax vessels currently under construction at Nuovi Cantieri Apuania, Italy. The first newbuilding will be delivered in autumn 2008 and the second in the summer/autumn 2009.

The vessels have a speed of 24 knots and the capacity to carry 950 passengers, 170 freight units and 100 private vehicles. Attica Group plans to deploy the vessels in routes where the Group's vessels are presently operating.

The cost of acquisition of the two vessels is Euro 156 million and will be financed by the company's own funds and bank debt.