1. Registrazione degli animali domestici che viaggiano sui traghetti passeggeri. Leggi di più
  2. Misure aggiuntive durante il trasporto di veicoli a carburante alternativo (AFV) su navi passeggeri. Leggi di più

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Special Measures for Passengers entering Italy or in transit through Italy

Special Measures for Passengers entering Italy or in Transit through Italy

From August 13 2020 a new decree by the Italian Minister of Health has come into force providing the following alternative measures which apply to people entering Italy after staying in, or transiting from Greece in the last 14 days:

a. Obligation to present a certificate showing a negative result of a swab, done within the 72 hours prior to entry in Italy;
b. Obligation to undergo a molecular or antigen test carried out through a swab upon arrival at the Italian airport, port or border place, where possible; or carried out, within 48 hours from entering the Italian territory, at the competent Italian National Public Health clinic.
In this latter case, while waiting for the examination test, people are due to wait in fiduciary isolation at their place of residence or dwelling.

Clarification: the following precautionary measures do NOT apply to those transiting through Italy provided that certain conditions are met. Specifically:

Provided that there are no symptoms of COVID-19 and that there were no stays or transits in one or more countries on lists C and F (please check them on the Ministry's site which you can access from the link below) in the fourteen (14) days before entry into Italy, without prejudice to the obligations set out in Article 5 of the Prime Ministerial Decree (compilation of a special declaration), the provisions relating to the obligation of fiduciary isolation and health surveillance and the use of private transport to reach the final destination DO NOT apply:

to anyone (regardless of nationality) transiting, by private means, through the Italian territory for a period not exceeding 36 hours, with the obligation, at the end of that period, to leave the national territory immediately or, failing that, to begin the period of surveillance and fiduciary isolation.

For more information, please visit the Ministry’s site here.