1. Registrazione degli animali domestici che viaggiano sui traghetti passeggeri. Leggi di più
  2. Misure aggiuntive durante il trasporto di veicoli a carburante alternativo (AFV) su navi passeggeri. Leggi di più

Revised Schedules. Learn more

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ATTICA GROUP promotes Greece in the European tourism exhibitions

ATTICA GROUP promotes Greece in the European tourism exhibitions

Every year in the context of promoting its own services, and Greece as a top year-round destination, Attica Group participated in the following European tourism exhibitions:

  • TTG, Rimini 12-14/10/2022
  • CMT, Stuttgart 14-22/01/2023
  • F.RE.E, Munich 22-26/02/2023
  • ΙΤΒ, Berlin 07-09/03/2023 and
  • TRANSPORT LOGISTICS, Munich 09-12/05/23

SUPERFAST FERRIES, BLUE STAR FERRIES, HELLENIC SEAWAYS and AFRICA MOROCCO LINK –attracted the strong interest of tourism professionals and attendees from all over Europe. At the fairs, each company presented its routes, time schedules and pricing policy for 2023, along with special offers for international (Greece-Italy and Morocco-Spain) and domestic routes.

The coming October we will be participating in the IFTM TOP RESA and TTG 2023 fairs in Paris and Rimini respectively, to promote sales for 2024.

Attica Group is engaged in passenger shipping through SUPERFAST FERRIES, BLUE STAR FERRIES, HELLENIC SEAWAYS and AFRICA MOROCCO LINK operating 35 vessels providing modern, high-quality transportation services in Greece and abroad. Attica’s vessels serve 61 unique destinations in 4 countries, connecting 79 ports transporting over 6 million passengers, 1 million passenger vehicles and 500,000 trucks every year.

Kallithea, 21 June 2023