1. Enregistrement des animaux de compagnie voyageant sur les ferries de passagers. Lire plus
  2. Mesures supplémentaires lors du transport de véhicules à carburant alternatif (AFV) à bord de navires à passagers. Lire plus
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Attica Group publishes its 9th Corporate Responsibility Report


Attica Group publishes the 9th Corporate Responsibility Report, for the year 2017, in accordance with the GRI Standards' guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (Accordance level “Core”).

The Report presents the practices followed by Attica Group and the results achieved during 2017, focusing on issues of interest to the company’s social partners and fulfilling its long-term commitment to developing a responsible business environment.

The Report is the culmination of an effort supported by all Attica Group employees and associates, who have made a crucial contribution to the company’s successful and responsible operation. The 2017 Corporate Responsibility Report cites 210 quantitative indexes (compared with 200 for the previous year) and presents 55 future targets (up from 33 for 2016).

Commenting on the publication of Attica Group’s 9th Corporate Responsibility Report, the CEO of the Group Mr Spyridon Paschalis underlined:

“For all of us at Attica Group, achieving our business objectives has always been directly linked with our general goal of creating and maintaining a relationship of trust with our social partners. For us, corporate responsibility is fundamentally based on our employees, which is why we always inform and educate them about how to behave responsibly both at work and as citizens. We are determined to remain faithful to the principles of corporate responsibility that we have adopted, and to set challenging future goals so that we act responsibly and support the society in which we operate.”

Attica Group is engaged in passenger shipping through SUPERFAST FERRIES, BLUE STAR FERRIES, HELLENIC SEAWAYS and AFRICA MOROCCO LINK, operating 30 vessels providing modern, high quality transportation services in Greece and abroad. Attica’s vessels serve 59 unique destinations in 4 countries, connecting 71 ports. Attica Group is a member of the Marfin Investment Group (MIG).

The 2017 Corporate Responsibility Report is available on the Attica Group website, www.attica-group.com.

Athens, December 14, 2018